Saturday 23 February 2013

Geeks, Games and Greatness - Episode 26

You guys are in luck... this episode is only a week late :) We chat about training, MtG, DnD, Bionic eyes, the pope, new movies and other assorted randomness.

Don't forget to check us out in our various online forms:
Odd's Twitter: @OddModlin
Ian's Twitter: @i4n0fd00m

Friday 22 February 2013

Golden Moments

I've just had the urge to spend a whole day without saying anything. Not a single word. A full day of Silence.

It seems to me that it would be very restful not to engage with the outside world for a bit. That probably betrays some massively anti-social tendencies on my side, but I don't think that is unreasonable considering the pace and push of the society we live in.

My day of silence is not going to happen any time soon given that I'm a corporate consultant, living with my girlfriend and a massive games geek that wants to play whatever as often as possible, but it will happen. I think this must become a "thing".

"Silence is a source of great strength." -Lao Tzu

Saturday 9 February 2013

Geeks, Games and Greatness - Episode 25

In this episode we discuss MtG cubes, podcasts, various space stuff and Dishonnored Catan.

Don't forget to check us out in our various online forms:
Odd's Twitter: @OddModlin
Ian's Twitter: @i4n0fd00m