Thursday 25 June 2015

On the (Google) plus side

Google's attempts at a social media platform have been widely ridiculed by the internet, and with the entrenched positions of Facebook and Twitter they face an uphill battle when it comes to user adoption. I use Twitter and have a Facebook that I never check and I'm here to tell you that if you're not on Google+, you're missing out.

Why should you take all the time and effort to invest in another social media platform when you already have Facebook, Twitter and other accounts? No one you know is on Google+, so what's the pay off? Well... maybe the fact that no one you know is on Google+ is a benefit. Your grandparents are not there, and even if they were, the circles allow you to easily control what you're sharing with whom. Certainly it gives you a lot more control than Facebook.

But if no-one you know is on the platform... won't it be boring? It is anything but boring. Google+ has, in my opinion, found a perfect synergy between the publishing/subscription style of twitter, the micro-blogging abilities of sites like Tumblr and the "friendship management" of Facebook. There are enough interesting people, groups and sites posting to Google+ that if you have an interest in a subject, there are multiple feeds that you can subscribe to. Much like when you first join twitter, you can subscribe to the feeds that post content you are interested in.

As an example, here is a sampling of the posts that I've found and shared on G+:

So maybe next time you're going to refresh your facebook page for the 12th time this hour, click on over to my Google+ page and have a look... you might enjoy the visit enough to try it out for yourself.

"One of us, One of us." -Freaks (1932)

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