Tuesday 25 January 2011

Word of the Week

Paphian - adjective

  1. of or pertaining to love, especially illicit physical love.

  2. of or pertaining to Paphos, an ancient city of Cyprus sacred to Aphrodite.

  3. noting or pertaining to Aphrodite or to her worship or service.


  1. Word is the word or the day

  2. I love the words - you know I delight in pithy, unusual and expressive words. I think we are letting you off lightly by just enjoying the word and definition.I think - you should use it in a sentence - and challenge everyone to do better.

  3. mwahaha... maybe I should.... but then again, i'm lazy.... so instead, I challenge you to use it in a sentence in the comments ^^ sometimes my genius amazes even me.

  4. really? that's the best response you could come up with? really?

  5. So I hear they're renaming the country to "Gypped"
