Friday 31 July 2015

The Doors Nightclub: The End of the Edenvale Era

This week, a post was made on The Doors Nightclub's Facebook page to announce that the club is moving. They were adamant that it is not closing down, merely going dark while they move to an (as yet) unannounced location. Even so, I cannot help but feel a pang of loss at the news.

The Doors in Edenvale was a huge part of my life for many years. During my student years I spent 3 or 4 nights a week there. It was my Cheers. I remember nights where it took an hour to walk from the door to the roof because I had to stop to greet everyone. I (mostly) remember tequila nights, drinking Tequila and lime.

I have never before, nor have I since had the privilege of meeting such an abundance of fantastic people. I met my gorgeous girlfriend at the doors, and most of the friends I have to this day are from those long nights.

Tonight (Friday 31st July) will be the last night that The Doors Nightclub will be open in Edenvale, and I'm going to be there to give the venue a last party. If you're in the area and the club has meant something to you, I would encourage you to do the same.

"When one Doors closes, another opens..." - Alexander Graham Bell (Sort of)

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